I guess the cat's out of the bag and some of you have heard our great news....WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!! It's still really early so please keep us and our Babay Bennett in your prayers. We love you all so very much and can't wait to see you all. Please send this to Malorie, Billy, Mitch and Jordan because I do not have their email address. And would some one show Aunt Shelia (if she didn't already hear.)
The baby should arrive around November 14th or so. I'm cookin' a turkery!!!!
We're SO excited!!! We love you so much!!
Kristen, Mike, and Sara
Dearest Monique and Timmy, Uncle Bill and I are so happy for you two! This "great" aunt can't wait to hold another bebe'. I know there are some very happy grandparents in Tomball, TX. Love, Aunt Angie
YEAH! Congratulations! We will keep you in our prayers and so excited for you both! The baby will be in our prayers.
Hugs, Kisses, Hugs and more hugs to you both,
Lorraine and David
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